It Allows Greed To Rule
Unfair For All
For centuries this country existed on the principle that if it can't be fair for everyone, it must be equitable for most. But with the rise of Creeping Conservatism, everything from taxes to Free Speech has been replaced by economic religiosity. The rich are all-knowing in the ways of "God" and man and the only way to prosperity is to make them, through their "God" rich. The 70s to now has seen one of the greatest shifts - positive or negative - in taxation in our history. The tax code has been tilted towards the rich and corporations and they've given their thanks by moving trillions of dollars and millions of jobs overseas.
The Age of Unfettered Capitalism - trillions overseas and millions of starving children
Now understand this isn't some blistering op-ed on the dangers of money, but an indictment of greed. The greed that drives what are impossible growth targets to maintain the businesses that are selling products and services as best they can.

This type of growth is becoming more difficult as all off the possible markets are opened to our DOW. This has caused a fevered growth of M&A which itself will also reach its zenith, where more acquired services fail. These failures aren't always so obvious because overall company earnings may dilute the effects until restructuring occurs. Two excellent examples are Microsoft and Intel. Large companies with nearly clockwork growth. Both attempted the same new markets and both failed miserably. This is mainly due to the established mobile players having a different business model. ARM as a business model is more flexible and agile where MS and Intel have used a monolithic approach where 90% is in-house and there is little external supply chain. These events forced change in both companies at this point:
- Microsoft Wrote Off $7B for its Nokia Purchase in 2015
- Intel is in 2016 laying off workforce and abandoning mobile
- Both are becoming more-cooperation friendly
- Time will tell