It’s Sunday morning. People with hangovers and lots of bad memories head for their local church to beg forgiveness yet again. Some of course are having some “hair of the dog” or just sleeping in. I trust those who don’t do enough to think they need forgiveness. It seems as though the most religious have the most skeletons in their closets, while purely spiritual people are more likely to get along with others.The secular nature of finance and employment requires having your “God” being job skills. You can pray every weekend but if you don’t keep up with advances in your position, you will be left hoping the church will donate to you. Organized religion in and of itself is not the issue, but the bubble that charlatans and the greedy place around themselves.

One of America’s true short-comings is that we will go from fad to fad believing the most fantastic and dramatic stories while frowning upon “nose to the grindstone” type thinking that requires letting God sit back while you get a better education. This type of thinking leads to praying for lottery wins and finding money. The even bigger problem is that most Scripture (they are all the same thing in a different language) is correct as a guide but not as a provider of laws.

People who want something for nothing will always fall for the ploy of religion, convincing them that their being is all that they need to be superior, rather than actual achievements. WAKE UP before the bubble bursts. Prayer doesn’t troubleshoot cell phones and useless apps do not improve your morals.


It’s 2018 and the world is on fire. From the increasing temperatures to the appearance of more and more fascist factions seeking to limit or eliminate democratic norms we are in dire straits and more separation is NOT going to solve these problems.
No one is nor should be expected to abandon principles but principles must be treated seriously. We can’t say “I can’t hear because of your party affiliation.” We also can’t say “I hear you because of your party affiliation” which is even more dangerous as we’ll get a Congress that will allow norms to be desecrated and institutions turned on their heads.

The PEOPLE need to take back the government from ACTUAL special interests (parties whose votes pale in comparison to their contributions). These special interests are why most countries are far ahead of us in educational achievement, happiness indexes and health care outcomes. The other major issue is that our politics has become a “who’s right” contest rather than a meeting of the minds.
Unfortunately one party is filled with members who refuse to see the forest for the trees in order to placate a sense of “righteous indignation.” And this is even though all states have the same challenges. These challenges should be where we come together not continue to exclude and ostracize.




Another source of extreme consternation is the “definition of manhood” as explained by factions on either side of the coin. Some feel physicality is the key and others feel that mentality is the key. Neither achieves balance though so we have a large number of angry men who refuse to see their part in the issues.

And in the middle are the women who are stuck with us. They deal with our foibles, flaws and still must beg for equality. We should be finding out how to influence them positively rather than stereotypically which would help fulfill the statement “happy wife, happy life,” though the saying itself implies that women are wives first and people second. This bubble exists in most American homes and is the cause of divorce, domestic violence and even child abuse (you remind me of…).

But again one has intrinsically more value as most jocks never get to a point of steadily increasing salary. Of course we all need to have balance in our growth and being in good physical health should always be a part of your life. Work stresses in any business or career can affect your physical health.


There seems to be a common thread involving separation. We will use anything we can imagine to make ourselves less desirable as a community member. Even inside communities there is separation due to work (some would say work ethic) differences. But neither group can exist without the other. Capital is after all the fruit of labor not the other way around.

Some of this separation is changing as more jobs require office skills or technical training and more managers are working basically next to employees. But we need to stop stereotyping each other. If one person wears a tie and suit to work, it doesn’t make them a “banker (untrustworthy scoundrel)” but then we make our own reality so perhaps bankers need to examine how they look to others.

But that doesn’t leave our blue collar brethren faultless. They assume the worst while never attempting to set a better example. Children respect your work-ethic not your paycheck size. There are many broken rich families also and the super-rich have children who never accomplish anything due to a lack of enforced work ethic.

It also doesn’t help that this bubble means most never see each other to learn they are no different. It is incumbent though upon the wealthy to compete fairly so there is more wealth created as more people can have higher levels of disposable income. Leaving the problem to others only means you run out of places to hide.




This is perhaps the weirdest bubble as it becomes not whether a particular individual served but whether the individual has the same opinion as to how this service fits into the culture. Some feel strong enough about the perceived respect they adopt a “stolen valor” approach to patriotism, while others feel that respect is still due the individual not the package. Some civilians rush into burning buildings or defend others against armed suspects while PTSD is sometimes a fact of war.In order to fully support the troops we need to send fewer to their deaths by not voting for the usual war-mongers. The lines have been clearly drawn over the last few decades.


That’s a tough question to answer because even in the same locality different people will be born into different financial circumstances. Where one child may have parents who work a small farm and just squeak by while others are born to owners of larger factory farms or even in distribution.

Just as in the same neighborhood in a city some will be born to manual laborers, some to office workers, and others to policemen or dentists. Most of the challenges are indeed the same as all have to navigate the complexities of an ever-changing economy due to tech advances. Farmers must study how to best maximize their land just as data entry operators must find ways to increase how many documents they can go through in a work day.

And contrary to what isolated communities believe there are 10s of 1000s of people working in agriculture in every city; delivering, cleaning, cooking and packaging. But the bottom line is no one chooses their own birth. But we can choose to help each other no matter what as unfortunately we are in the grip of unfettered capitalism which takes no prisoners and gives no quarter.


This is perhaps the easiest bubble to rationalize as no one can deny that people kill themselves using the exhaust from cars. I live on the air side (have only hugged trees while climbing them) and have been a proponent of expanded public transportation and even restrictions on driving and vehicles – especially in already-congested areas with alternate forms of commuting.

This should be a no-brainer before the “is the planet warming” argument as the EPA wasn’t established because we don’t need to monitor and regulate the various emissions from manufacturing and energy generation. The bad thing is that it should have existed decades before the 1970s. Then perhaps the river in Ohio wouldn’t have caught on fire.




The idea of this particular article is to how a bubble is just a common pattern of thought among a contiguous group. They are in every group due to the follower’s mentality too many of us have adopted; some to hide behind the group and others to use the group to cover for their negative behavior. Some bubbles do consist of realistic views of life and society and can go beyond the connotation of a bubble.

Science of all sorts define the best bubbles because they require proof of concept and allow for change based on changing situations. At some point the consensus became yes, the earth is round and orbits the sun. Unfortunately the bad bubbles are causing the ravings of fools to be considered truth and our societal structure is breaking down under the stress. Of course, this is just the latest attempt to make clear where our issues are and how we can try to correct them, so allow as much into your bubble as you see fit.

Key to this is to let down your guard sometimes when confronted with a differing opinion. No one is attacking your way of life, they just have a different path. Truly getting to know people means letting them know you also. If you don’t try to help people understand HOW you got there they can more easily understand how to interact with you. Even family members can exist outside of your bubble and make interactions difficult and even painful. But we must strive to maintain these connections by finding similar hobbies or interests, staying away from volatile subjects as opinion and look at things from the perspective of “why stir the pot?”

This includes the bubble that doesn’t exist between politics and policy. The affiliation of candidates and their election efforts is a totally different beast from actually developing good policy whish has no magic tricks. But the price of elections seems to be limiting the amount of useful spending we can get from our Congress because the major donors only want things for themselves NOT the greater good. This is probably the largest bubble of all and the hardest to eliminate as fame an fortune are drivers of American life.

Many pundits describe a significant portion of Americans as “disaffected millionaires who feel that any movement against this “force” would be even worse for them. It is hard to see how so many people could equate social distinction from career distinction – or being above someone won’t get you a six-figure job but your friends will tell you offensive jokes involving “those others who are beneath you.” Let’s burst these bubbles so we can concentrate on important things like equitable educational and upward mobility. Not to mention climate change and the soaring cost of medical care.

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