It’s Sunday morning. People with hangovers and lots of bad memories head for their local church to beg forgiveness yet again. Some of course are having some “hair of the dog” or just sleeping in. I trust those who don’t do enough to think they need forgiveness. It seems as though the most religious have the most skeletons in their closets, while purely spiritual people are more likely to get along with others.The secular nature of finance and employment requires having your “God” being job skills. You can pray every weekend but if you don’t keep up with advances in your position, you will be left hoping the church will donate to you. Organized religion in and of itself is not the issue, but the bubble that charlatans and the greedy place around themselves.
One of America’s true short-comings is that we will go from fad to fad believing the most fantastic and dramatic stories while frowning upon “nose to the grindstone” type thinking that requires letting God sit back while you get a better education. This type of thinking leads to praying for lottery wins and finding money. The even bigger problem is that most Scripture (they are all the same thing in a different language) is correct as a guide but not as a provider of laws.
People who want something for nothing will always fall for the ploy of religion, convincing them that their being is all that they need to be superior, rather than actual achievements. WAKE UP before the bubble bursts. Prayer doesn’t troubleshoot cell phones and useless apps do not improve your morals.
It’s 2018 and the world is on fire. From the increasing temperatures to the appearance of more and more fascist factions seeking to limit or eliminate democratic norms we are in dire straits and more separation is NOT going to solve these problems.
No one is nor should be expected to abandon principles but principles must be treated seriously. We can’t say “I can’t hear because of your party affiliation.” We also can’t say “I hear you because of your party affiliation” which is even more dangerous as we’ll get a Congress that will allow norms to be desecrated and institutions turned on their heads.
The PEOPLE need to take back the government from ACTUAL special interests (parties whose votes pale in comparison to their contributions). These special interests are why most countries are far ahead of us in educational achievement, happiness indexes and health care outcomes. The other major issue is that our politics has become a “who’s right” contest rather than a meeting of the minds.
Unfortunately one party is filled with members who refuse to see the forest for the trees in order to placate a sense of “righteous indignation.” And this is even though all states have the same challenges. These challenges should be where we come together not continue to exclude and ostracize.