America has become a hot bed of fascist activity that has perfectly inserted itself into simple debate to cause chaos and separate friends and relatives. It is so successful because it’s based on money and the acquisition of “status” which can oft-times replace hard work and sacrifice. The “male” nature of America lends an all too disruptive hand in this. The good news is that there is always a way out. The key is reaching out whether you’re “right” or not.
Many of us know only one truth which usually involves a fake spirituality hidden in the tropes of very old scripture, much of which has no bearing on modern life. Religion is great for a place to gather but not for a place to rationalize. No one has proven any of the parables so they cannot be accurately described to find the two sides of the argument.
Get out of your comfort zone and truly listen to others. I found myself using Uber in OKC and Detroit and spoke to many true conservatives who just needed the right wording for them to understand. An example was “fair vs. equitable.” This was in regards to corporate taxes and loopholes. Meet them halfway. Rather than requiring people to get an invite to dinner, just strike up a conversation. In parking lots, buses, on street corners or in the local zoo.
The division of the ideologies has grown, mostly due to the direction of the rich on either side. The rich conservative comes mainly from slave profits so they will be the ones against equal pay and unions. The left side of the coin would like to see more equality as it’s much better to win in a fair fight than to cheat and never get the skills to really compete.
This means that as technology changes the job market too many ideologues will be trapped behind the ideology of coal or unearned privilege. The term SOE has existed since welfare reform and is why so many factories left. A Service Oriented Economy is one that does the research, writes the software and manages the manufacturing elsewhere.
The left tends to drive towards a more equitable pay scale for those foreign workers who are under the thumb of even worse “right to work” governance. If you’re in a position where you can choose to invest in others, you always should as having more well-paid people means fewer desperate ones. Using penal correction as a source of income only serves to limit the prosperity of the overall community.
Most states are somewhat mixed in terms of ideology but separating only serves to enable more propagandist rhetoric. Our current debt load makes it obvious where the actual ideological progress belongs. We have an increasingly pliable center that seems to blow with the wind, jerking us from crisis to crisis.
Most could be more receptive to actual policy rather than relying on the latest sound bite or viral meme. Many pundits argue that in the end urban, rural and suburban voters have the same needs: affordable health care and education; rising salaries and guaranteed OJT for required changes. By maintaining the distance we tend to we can’t combat the seeping propaganda bubbling up from our past and driving trillions in debt.
Repeating history manifests itself in many different ways. Most adults vote in upwards of 20 elections so you repeat history if you see things not improving with the same vote. Repeating history can also be considered “raising hate” as exposed by Derek Black. Of course people aren’t pre-disposed to hating others so that type of indoctrination – mostly involving isolation from other ideologies – is required to produce a sufficiently enraged person.
By the same token, ostracizing people due to a negative-upbringing doesn’t help erase the falsehoods many are taught by those with ulterior motives. We must be nice to young people to override the lie that hate is a primary motivator for Liberals. Liberals still have a long way to go also when it comes to actually changing the status quo. As a professional I know how things are in corporate America: jealous and hostile, demanding and exclusionary. It doesn’t matter the city, whether it be Oklahoma City or New York City.
It all boils down to the desire of white men to remain “in power,” meaning able to be unaccountable when necessary. “So I fired the minority,” “what difference does it make that I treat women like furniture even when they have better credentials.” This in-bred mentality tends to make progress difficult as more is required just to catch up “those who aren’t accepting the status quo.” There is much more progress coming from the left as more women and minorities run and win while the right is ensconced in a pure white male ideology regardless of qualifications.
Many confuse party with ideology which is another issue. Ideology is how you vote when elected, party is the basic grouping of similar ideologies. I’ve often said that the difference between the left and right is the left is different personalities with the same ideology, while the right is the same personality with different ideologies. The majority of states have different needs and this led to the right arguing over who got FEMA money. The worst examples are those which used a majority of unpaid labor to forward their economic goals. They never want to raise wages and prove it with attacks on all unions.
The problem with the states on the left seems to be “placism” – the desire to not pass explicit laws but to maintain a given environment conducive to maintaining the status quo of favorite minority athletes and no so favorite minority professionals. This holds back entire communities and therefore the state as a whole.
The biggest problem is the lip service we are all subject to from conservative interests. Unfortunately, it’s rather difficult to convince people they should vote for inclusion and equality when they can exclude and pray they won’t be abused along with “the others.” There was a time in America when the parties were closer to each other, but now with the big DOW booms of the 90s and 2000, the GOP seems only to want to corral as much of the profits as possible while sharing the loss inequitably with the voters.
Most blue states, though still somewhat exclusionary at least they don’t pass clearly discriminatory legislation. Much of the exclusion – if not all – comes from the corporate side where individuals and groups feel empowered to decide who works and who must suffer to work. They have the worst lip service ever with new initiatives like “implicit bias” training meaning nothing to mid-level management.
And depending on the state you live in, you will have few avenues for redress. That is not political or ideological, but a factor of the country’s history. For 100s of years, there was a status quo where only rich white men OF ANY PARTY were truly able to take advantage of the best America has to offer. As women and minorities became more vocal, the dregs of white male society were enabled to be the “voice in the middle” where they had few real benefits but at least weren’t immediately excluded.
That’s a major reason why most politicians and business owners in ideologically conservative states are white males. The advantages they were given were not used to “show how it’s done” but to make sure others could not “do it” at all. This is all borne out by our current gridlock. Rather than making more money for everyone they desire keeping it for themselves. But at the same time they complain that others are not excelling.
Throughout it all, the majority continued with the status quo through trillions in debt, canceled services, income inequality, wasteful wars and even debilitated school systems. The majority merely smiles in the knowledge that the status quo never changed and they can always “be better than minorities.” Cold comfort in the face of climate devastation, increased disease, debilitating pollution and no leadership to guide us out.
Recently, Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times journalist Eli Saslow wrote a book about the beginnings of the transformation of the son of the infamous creator of the Nationalist StormFront web site Derek Black. Amazingly, attending a liberal college was mainly responsible for his “awakening.” He was protested, harassed and the school was even shut down.
He stayed and took it and many of the “tree-huggers” engaged with him as friends not as political enemies and he began to see there was something other than the KKK mentality (his godfather is David Duke and his mother was married to Duke). Trevor Noah interviewed the two of them on Sep 19, 2018 and he explained how his father treated his change as a “death in the family.”
But he does show that bubbles can be burst and bases (your consistent allies) can be expanded. He made a point that can resonate; “it’s easier to say be a nationalist than an anti-racist because being an anti-racist means changing the status quo while being a nationalist means nothing need be done.”
Article Author
Name: Content User
Statement: Blazing a trail to Information
Articles: 12
Bio: I have long wanted to be what some would call a serious journalist and others would call a Tree Hugger, Liberal or anything not a Conservative.
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